
Explore Therapy Companies on Healthcare Outlook. We feature profiles of companies that specialize in providing various types of therapy to patients around the world.

From physical therapy and speech therapy to occupational therapy and psychotherapy, these companies offer a wide range of therapies that help improve the health and well-being of individuals. We showcase companies that specialise in traditional forms of therapy, as well as those that offer innovative new treatments and techniques.

Latest Therapy Corporate Stories

Advanced Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery

A cornerstone of the company’s founding mission, Advanced Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery utilizes a relationship-based care model between patient and clinician to deliver premier healthcare. Synthesizing both dermatologic and aesthetic services, the company’s leadership team enlightens us.

Callam WallerLucy Pilgrim By Callam Waller Lucy Pilgrim

Shepherd Center : Extraordinary Care for Extraordinary Outcomes

Providing world-class clinical care for complex conditions like spinal cord and brain injuries, Shepherd Center is a vital pillar of rehabilitation care. Vice President of Research and Innovation Deborah Backus tells us more.

Callam WallerLucy Pilgrim By Callam Waller Lucy Pilgrim

Paxman Scalp Cooling : Managing Chemotherapy Hair Loss

Richard Paxman, CEO of Paxman Scalp Cooling, discusses how scalp cooling becoming more accessible for cancer patients globally.

Lauren Kania By Lauren Kania

Professional Physical Therapy : Patient-Oriented Recovery

Personalized pain management, recovery and rehabilitation services are offered by Professional Physical Therapy across the Northeast. Chief Development Officer, George Papadopoulos, discusses patient-centric care and customized treatments.

Callam WallerJack Salter By Callam Waller Jack Salter

Back in Motion Health Group : Healthcare Autonomy in Motion

For over 20 years, Back in Motion Health Group has catered to the wellness needs of Australians and New Zealanders. Founder and Group Director Jason T. Smith examines a holistic approach to allied health.  

Phoebe HarperCallam Waller By Phoebe Harper Callam Waller